Chinese Measure Words (Part 2)

Updated on December 27, 2022

There are simply too many measure words (量词, liàng cí) in Mandarin Chinese language. How many Chinese measure words do you know by now?

Learn 5 Chinese measure words (Part 2).
Learn 5: Chinese measure words (Part 2).

Well, in the previous lesson, we learned 5 Chinese measure words. If you missed the lessons, here is the link:

Chinese Idioms (Part 1)
Chinese Idioms (Part 1).

Welcome to Ming Mandarin’s free online Mandarin Chinese lessons. In this lesson (Part 2), let’s learn 5 more Chinese measure words. I am adding about 5 examples for each of the measure words.

Chinese measure word song (量词歌, liàngcí gē).
Chinese measure word song (量词歌, liàngcí gē).

All books for learning Mandarin Chinese

Introduction to Chinese History (Part 1).
Introduction to Chinese History (Part 1).

Chinese measure word 6: 把 (bǎ)

把 (bǎ) is a common measure word for objects with handles (that are grasped).

把 (bǎ) examples

  1. A teapot (一把茶壶, yī bǎ cháhú)
  2. Three chairs (三把椅子, sān bǎ yǐzi)
  3. A bunch of keys (yī bǎ yàoshi, 一把钥匙)
  4. An umbrella (yī bǎ yǔsǎn, 一把雨伞)
  5. Three toothbrushes (sān bǎ yáshuā, 三把牙刷)

Chinese measure word 7: 盒 (hé)

盒 (hé) is a major for small box/case.

盒 (hé) examples

  1. A box of matches (一盒火柴, yī hé huǒchái)
  2. A box of biscuits (yī hé bǐnggān, 一盒饼干)
  3. Two boxes of milk (liǎng hé niúnǎi, 两盒牛奶)
  4. Three boxes of candies (sān hé tángguǒ, 三盒糖果)
  5. A box of facial tissues (yī hé miànjīnzhǐ, 一盒面巾纸)
Useful Chinese classifiers.
Useful Chinese classifiers.

Chinese measure word 8: 块 (kuài)                                 

块 (kuài) is a measure word for piece, lump, and solid objects.

块 (kuài) examples

  1. A piece of cake (yī kuài dàngāo, 一块蛋糕)
  2. Three pieces of soap (sān kuài xiāngzào, 三块香皂)
  3. A piece of cheese (yī kuài nǎilào, 一块奶酪)
  4. An eraser (yī kuài xiàngpí cā, 一块橡皮擦)
  5. A table cloth (一块桌布, yīkuài zhuōbù)

Chinese measure word 9: 辆 (liàng)

辆 (liàng) is a classifier (measure word) for vehicles.

辆 (liàng) Examples

  1. A car (yī liàng qìchē, 一辆汽车)
  2. Two bicycles (liǎng liàng zìxíngchē, 两辆自行车)
  3. A motorcycle (yī liàng mótuō chē, 一辆摩托车)
  4. A bus (yī liàng gōnggòng qìchē, 一辆公共汽车)
  5. Three carts (三辆大车, sān liàng dà chē)

Can you find out the differences among大车 (dà chē), 大伡 (dà chē) and 打车 (dǎchē). 🙂

Chinese measure word 10: 条 (tiáo)

条 (tiáo) is a measure word for long/narrow/thin objects.

条 (tiáo) examples

  1. Two fish (两条鱼, liǎng tiáo yú)
  2. A road (yī tiáo lù, 一条路)
  3. A river (yī tiáo hé, 一条河)
  4. Two pairs of pants (liǎng tiáo kùzi, 两条裤子)
  5. Four towels (sì tiáo máojīn, 四条毛巾)

I hope you enjoyed learning 10 Chinese measure words. Let me know your feedbacks in the comments below. 🙂

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