How to Ask for Help in Chinese?

Updated on December 27, 2022

Let’s learn how to ask for help in Chinese!

Learn how to ask for a favor in Mandarin Chinese.
Learn how to ask for a favor in Mandarin Chinese.

Welcome to Ming Mandarin’s free online Mandarin Chinese lessons. In this lesson, first we will learn how to ask for help in Chinese. Then, we’ll also learn how to thank the person who helped us.

Chinese Idioms (Part 1)
Chinese Idioms (Part 1).

All books for learning Mandarin Chinese

How to Ask for Help in Chinese?

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Introduction to Chinese History (Part 1).

General Phrases For Asking A Favor/Help

The most important word for asking help is 帮助 (bāngzhù). It can be used as a noun as well as a verb.

  • Can you help me out?
  • Nĭ néng bāng wŏ yī xià ma?
  • 你能帮我一下吗?


  • Can you help me···
  • Nĭ néng bāng wŏ···
  • 你能帮我…
How to ask for help in Chinese
How to ask for help in Chinese?

Now, let’s look at some example phrases to politely ask for a favor in Chinese.

Example Phrase 1

  • Can you help me out? Could you take out the trash?
  • Nĭ néng bāng wŏ yī xià ma?Bāng wŏ bă lā jī ná chū qù hăo ma?
  • 你能帮我一下吗?帮我把垃圾拿出去好吗?

Example Phrase 2

  1. Excuse me, can you please take a picture for me?
  2. Bù hăo yì si,nĭ néng bāng wŏ pāi zhāng zhào piàn ma ?
  3. 不好意思,你能帮我拍张照片吗?
If you are a foreigner, you should know how to ask for help in Chinese.
If you are a foreigner in China, you’d better know how to ask for help in Chinese.

Example Phrase 3

  • Could I ask you to do a favour?
  • Nĭ néng bāng wŏ ge máng ma?/ Nĭ kĕ yĭ bāng wŏ ge máng ma ?
  • 你能帮我个忙吗?/你可以帮我个忙吗?

Example Phrase 4

  • I was wondering if I could ask you a favour?Could you water my plants next week?
  • wŏ zài xiăng nĭ néng fŏu bāng gè máng? Xià ge xīng qī nĭ néng bāng wŏ gĕi zhí wù jiāo yī xià shuĭ ma ?
  • 我在想你能否帮个忙? 下个星期你能帮我给植物浇一下水吗?

How To Say Thank You?

How to say thank you in Chinese? Well, after someone helps you out, it’s recommended to thank them.

The most common term to say thank you is 谢谢 (xièxiè). However, depending on the situation, there are more ways to thank someone!

Example Phrase 5

  • Thanks for helping me with this.
  • Xiè xiè bāng máng
  • 谢谢帮忙。

Example Phrase 6

  • I really owe you one!
  • Wŏ qiàn nĭ gè rén qíng
  • 我欠你个人情

Example Phrase 7

  • I know you’re busy, thanks for helping.
  • Xiè xiè nĭ zhè me máng hái bāng wŏ
  • 谢谢你这么忙还帮我。

Example Phrase 8

  • I really appreciate your help with this.
  • Wŏ zhēn de hĕn găn jī nĭ de bāng máng
  • 我真的很感激你的帮忙。

I hope now you can ask for help in Chinese, and also thank the helping person. 🙂

Looking for your feedbacks!

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