How to Say “OOPS” in Mandarin Chinese?

Updated on December 27, 2022

Do you know how to say “OOPS” in Mandarin Chinese?

Let’s learn how to say OOPS in Mandarin Chinese.
Let’s learn how to say OOPS in Mandarin Chinese.

Well, OOPS is a common expression in English. It is often used to express surprise; or sorry about some mistake or an accident. In Chinese, there are quite a few words to express the similar feelings.

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Welcome to Ming Mandarin’s free online Mandarin Chinese lessons. In this lesson, let’s learn how to say OOPS in Mandarin Chinese.

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How to say “OOPS” in Mandarin Chinese?

#1 OOPS (āi yā, 哎呀)

OOPS can be expressed with āi yā (哎呀).
OOPS can be expressed with āi yā (哎呀).

Example sentences

  1. Oops, I forgot about this! (Āiyā, wǒ wàng le, 哎呀,我忘了)
  2. Oops, did I say something that wasn’t meant to be said? (Āiyā,wǒ shì bu shì shuō le bù gāi shuō de, 哎呀,我是不是说了不该说的)

#2 OOPS (āi yō, 哎哟)

We can also express OOPS  with āi yō (哎哟).
We can also express OOPS with āi yō (哎哟).

Example sentences

  1. Oops, I misspoke! (Āiyō,wǒ shuō cuò le, 哎哟,我说错了)
  2. Oops, I was almost late (Āiyō,wǒ chàdiǎn chídào le, 哎哟,我差点迟到了)

It’s worth mentioning that 哎呀 and 哎哟 can be interchanged depending on the situations.

Are you comfortable now using OOPS in regular Mandarin Chinese conversations? Let me know your comments!

– Jia Ming

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