Learn Mandarin Chinese Idiom (Chengyu) #1

Updated on December 27, 2022

Have you ever learned Chinese idioms 成语 (Chéngyǔ) before? How many Chinese idioms do you already know?

Fret not; in some of the upcoming blog-posts, I’m going to cover a variety of Chinese idioms, their meanings, and related example sentences. As always, I will include both pinyin and English interpretations of the idioms. Hence, these lessons are suitable for all types of Chinese language enthusiasts, including beginners (Level 1/2) and intermediate learners (Level 3/4).

Chinese Idioms (Part 1)
Chinese Idioms (Part 1).

Welcome to Ming Mandarin’s free online Mandarin Chinese lessons. I am glad to start the Chinese Idiom Series. In each of the posts in this series, I will share the popular Chinese idioms.

All books for learning Mandarin Chinese

A simple Chinese idiom.
A simple Chinese idiom.

Chinese Idiom #1

  • 供不应求。
  • Gōng bú yìng qiú.
  • Demand exceeds the supply.
  • Supply falls short of the demand.

Vocabulary break up

  • 供 (gōng): supply.
  • 不 (bù): no/not.
  • 应 (yìng): to adapt.
  • 求 (qiú): demand.
When demand exceeds the supply.
When demand exceeds the supply.

Idiom Example Sentence #1

  • His paintings are in great demand in the market.
  • Tā de huàr zài shìchǎng shàng gōng bú yìng qiú.
  • 他的画儿在市场上供不应求。
Introduction to Chinese History (Part 1).
Introduction to Chinese History (Part 1).


  • 画儿 (huàr): painting.
  • 市场 (shìchǎng): market.

Idiom Example Sentence #2

  • If the demand for these products exceeds the supply, the price will be even higher.
  • Rúguǒ chǎnpǐn gōngbúyìngqiú, jiàgé jiù huì gènggāo.
  • 如果产品供不应求,价格就会更高。


  • 产品 (chǎnpǐn): product.
  • 价格 (jiàgé): price.
  • 更 (gèng): even.

Let me know your comments. 🙂

-Jia Ming

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