Updated on December 27, 2022
Do you know how to say “answer” in Chinese?

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Well, the English word “answer” can be used both as noun (such as: write your answers on a postcard) as well as verb (such as: he said he would return to the UK to answer all charges). Similarly, in Chinese language, there are both noun and verb words to express the meaning of “answer”. Let’s look at both of them. 🙂

How to Say “Answer” in Chinese?
#1 Noun (answer, dá’àn, 答案)
- This is not the answer I want.
- Zhè bùshì wǒ xiǎng yào de dá’àn.
- 这不是我想要的答案。
- Neither answer is correct.
- Liǎngge dá’àn dōu bùduì.
- 两个答案都不对。

- Actually the answer is very simple.
- Qíshí dá’àn hěn jiǎndān.
- 其实答案很简单。
- Nobody knows the answer to that question.
- Méiyǒu rén zhīdào nàge wèntí de dá’àn.
- 没有人知道那个问题的答案。
- Time’s up, have you worked out the answer?
- Shíjiān dàole, nǐ dé chū dá’àn le ma?
- 时间到了,你得出答案了吗?
- I give up, tell me the answer.
- Wǒ fàngqì le, gàosùwǒ dá’àn ba.
- 我放弃了,告诉我答案吧。
#2 Verb (to answer, huídá, 回答)
- I’ve no idea how to answer this question.
- Wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme huídá zhège wèntí.
- 我不知道怎么回答这个问题。
- I’m glad to answer if there are any questions.
- Rúguǒ nǐmen yǒu wèntí, wǒ hěn lèyì huídá.
- 如果你们有问题,我很乐意回答。
- “You haven’t answered me yet”, he said.
- Tā shuō,”Nǐ háiméi huídá wǒ.”
- 他说:“你还没回答我”。
- How could you answer him so casually?
- Nǐ zěnme kěyǐ zhème suíbiàn de huídá tā ne?
- 你怎么可以这么随便地回答他呢?
- He replied that this was absolutely impossible.
- Tā huídá shuō zhè juéduì bù kěnéng.
- 他回答说这绝对不可能。
- I refused to answer your question.
- Wo jùjué huídá nǐde wèntí.
- 我拒绝回答你的问题。
Further Readings
- Lesson 1 (Level 1): Common Mandarin Chinese Verbs with Examples
- Lesson 1 (Level 2): How To Say “To Think” With 以为 In Chinese?
- Lesson 1 (Level 3): Learn Must Know Famous Chinese Idioms
- Lesson 1 (Level 4): 2 Must Know Famous Ancient Chinese Poems
- Lesson 1 (Level 5): Chinese Reading Practice with Pinyin & English